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Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)

Digital signatures can provide evidence of origin, identity and status of electronic documents, transactions or digital messages .

Why do I need Digital Signature Certificate?

A Digital Signature Certificate authenticates your identity electronically. It also provides you with a high level of security for your online transactions by ensuring absolute privacy of the information exchanged using a Digital Signature Certificate. You can use certificates to encrypt information such that only the intended recipient can read it.

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Advantages ofDigital Signature Certificate

  • You can endure faster closure of a sale or even can sign a contract and close documents from several parties with a digital signature.
  • Digital signature certificate provide legal validity as well as make sure the e-signature is verified.
  • It is not possible to copy or change the document signed digitally.
  • Digital signatures hold validity in future as well.

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Disadvantages of Digital Signature Certificate tax return.

  • There is a stronger need for a standard through which these different methods can interact.
  • In this era of fast technological advancement, many of these tech products have a short shelf life.
  • In order to effectively use a digital signature, both senders and recipients may have to buy digital certificates.

Documents Required For Digital Signature Certificate

Copy of PAN

Aadhar Number (Mandatory)
Photo (Softcopy)
Banks Accounts details / statements of all bank accounts
Any Government issued photo ID having Name & address.
Bank Statements signed by the bank


  • What is Digital Signature Certificates (DSC)
    Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) are the digital equivalent (that is electronic format) of physical or paper certificates. Few Examples of physical certificates are drivers' licenses, passports or membership cards. Certificates serve as proof of identity of an individual for a certain purpose; for example, a driver's license identifies someone who can legally drive in a particular country. Likewise, a digital certificate can be presented electronically to prove one’s identity, to access information or services on the Internet or to sign certain documents digitally.
  • How long is a DSC valid?
    The DSCs are typically issued with one year validity and two year validity.
  • How many DSC can a person hold?
    A person can have different DSCs – however, generally all government websites have a specified a requirement of registering a DSC with the respective government server. Once registered, no other DSC can be used, unless new DSC is registered with the server again. DSCs are issued for 1 or 2 years
  • Why is Digital Signature Certificates (DSC) Required?
    Physical documents are signed manually, similarly, electronic documents, for example e-forms are required to be signed digitally using a Digital Signature Certificate.
  • Who issues the Digital Signature Certificates (DSC)?
    A licensed Certifying Authority (CA) issues the digital signature. Certifying Authority (CA) means a person who has been granted a license to issue a digital signature certificate under Section 24 of the Indian IT-Act 2000.The list of licensed CAs along with their contact information is available on the MCA portal. Certifying Authorities
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