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Trademark Application

Trademark Application

Give your business a Unique Identity, Good Will & Trust with the simple process of Trademark Registration .

Why is it Important to Have a Trademark ?

Trademarks are also used as a way of protecting consumers. To maintain a good reputation, will often work harder to provide quality services and products. Trademarks provide protection for both businesses and consumers, making them an important part of running a successful company.

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Advantages of Trademark

Trademark benefit both businesses and consumers. Trademark allow businesses to build an identity and reputation with customers, and thereby grow or expand their business. They allow consumers to take an informed buying decision by searching out the familiar brand names and avoid bad buying experiences by avoiding the brands they didn't like.

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What are the Types of Trademark?

There are three types of trademark i.e word mark, distinguish mark, design mark. A trademark can be a word, a symbol, a logo or a slogan that is distinctive of your goods and services.

Documents Required For Trademark Application

Logo if any in JPG format
TM 48 Power of Attorney

Pan Card of Applicant and Authorized Signatory

List of goods or services for which registration is required


  • What is a trade mark?
    A trademark (popularly known as brand name) in layman’s language is a visual symbol which may be a word signature, name, device, label, numerals or combination of colours used by one undertaking on goods or services or other articles of commerce to distinguish it from other similar goods or services originating from a different undertaking. The legal requirements to register a trademark under the Act are: · The selected mark should be capable of being represented graphically (that is in the paper form). · It should be capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one undertaking from those of others. · It should be used or proposed to be used mark
  • What is the function of a trade mark?
    Under modern business condition a trademark performs four functions 1. It identifies the goods / or services and its origin. 2. It guarantees its unchanged quality 3. It advertises the goods/services 4. It creates an image for the goods/ services.
  • How to apply for a trade mark in respect of particular goods or services?
    It is provided under the Trade Marks Act,1999 that goods and services are classified according to the International Classification of goods and services. Currently schedule IV of the Act provides a summary of list of such goods and services falling in different classes which is merely indicative. The Registrar is the final authority in the determination of the class in which particular goods or services fall. The Schedule IV of the Act is annexed at the end of this questionnaire on trade marks. For detailed description of other goods and services please refer to the International Classification published by WIPO or contact the local office for assistance.
  • What purpose the trade mark system serves ?
    It identifies the actual physical origin of goods and services. The brand itself is the seal of authenticity. Ø It guarantees the identity of the origin of goods and services. Ø It stimulates further purchase. Ø It serves as a badge of loyalty and affiliation. Ø It may enable consumer to make a life style or fashion statement.
  • What are the benefits of registering a trade mark?
    The registration of a trademark confers upon the owner the exclusive right to the use the trademark in relation to the goods or services in respect of which the mark is registered and to indicate so by using the symbol (R), and seek the relief of infringement in appropriate courts in the country. The exclusive right is however subject to any conditions entered on the register such as limitation of area of use etc. Also, where two or more persons have registered identical or nearly similar marks due to special circumstances, such exclusive right does not operate against each other.
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